Various segments of my portfolio in 60 seconds. Some might call this a "reel," they would be correct.

An immersive motion graphics installation featuring anamorphic visuals, projection mapping, and forced perspective illusions. Driven by the concept of thinking outside the box, it tells an abstract story about the emotional journey within the creative process.

An interactive immersive art installation, designed and developed to encourage people to fist bump each other for a better sense of community.

A logo designed to capture the spectacle of live sports and deliver the wow factor.

An experimental, edgy brand promo for the made-up soda "Black Bubble," a caffeinated drink for designers. Made with the purpose of exploring the blending of 3D and 2D Graphics, and creating assets from catastrophe.

A brand exploration for the marketing/design agency Compadre.

A series of interstitials, designed to play in-between student work demos for the Visual Communication Design MFA program. These short three second animations play continuously outside the student work space to educate viewers and market the program.

A motion graphics piece that is a representation of my own personality, done as an exercise in abstraction and simplification.


A typographic booklet typeset to display two different points of view on the world by contrasting an eloquently written essay, with an absurdist play script.